Gray days, gray days, endless drizzle, emeritus weather, chair of the department weather, finally retired but not replaced weather. In the faculty annex, a single whiteboard is erased. Sublations, commands, cancellations, various abolishments, are written and overwritten, are written, overwritten, erased. Course modules must be accessed via another vendor. The provost has large hungry nephews, large nephews hungry for user interface design, their undeniable passion. Despite recent dustings, both recent and recurrent, threads of spiderweb drift golden along a brief passing sunbeam. The day resumes its usual luster, is gray again, will remain. For a bold contrast, facilities has added new “flavor blast” lime chili corn chips to the machines by 4F. Adjuncts, of varying physical fitness, lift boxes for their senior departing colleague. A generalized picture of the labor market emerges. Positions are abolished, are sublated, but offices will always keep a tenant, if not of distinction, an emeritus or emerita, then some admin shuffling the papers. Offices will continue, continue without a doubt. Offices will thrive. They’ll survive—all this thrifty rigmarole, they’ll survive it, survive it natch.
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